Jonathan Ting

About me

Hello! My name is Jonathan Ting, and I am a software developer studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley. I am currently a fourth year and am expected to graduate Fall 2015.


I enjoy algorithms and working with server-side code to optimize for reliability and performance.

When I feel productive outside of school, I enjoy exploring various areas of computer science and doing challenges. One of the ways I practice programming languages and algorithms is through Project Euler. Others include HackThis, HackThisSite for security challenges, and HackerRank for algorithmic practice.

Outside of school, I enjoy practicing martial arts, and have been practicing for around 6 years. In junior high and high school, I've practiced and hold a black belt in style of karate called Keichu-Do. Additionally, I've done one semester of Taekwondo, and two semesters of Wushu while in university.

Additionally, I enjoy practicing the piano. As a child, I was coerced to practice it and grew to dislike playing, and quit at the start of high school. However, I've picked it up again starting Spring 2015, and as an anime fan, I enjoy practicing various soundtracks from those that I've watched.

I recorded a cover of Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari here, if you're interested.

Last updated: November 16, 2015